Travel Resource

Traveling and need some assistance with visa processing? We have compiled a list of consulates for frequently traveled destinations, for your information and easy access. Make sure you check out the latest travel advisory prior to travel to international destinations.

Consulate Contacts
no Country Address Phone email
1 Cameroon 3400 International Drive NW Washington DC 20008 202 265 8790
2 Ghana 3434 Locke Lane Houston Texas 77027 713 960 8833
3 Liberia 5201 16th Street N. W Wahisington DC 20111 202 723 0437 contact
4 Nigeria 3519 International Court NW Washington DC 20008 202 986 8400
5 Togo 2208 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20008-2849 202 234 4212
6 South Africa 3400 International Drive NW Washington DC 20008 202 274 7991